Faith Communities
Our Life and Faith
Below are some videos that capture key moments in our faith communities.
We also have videos in yearly Playlists in our You Tube Channel:
Diocese of Dunedin Faith Communities 2024
Diocese of Dunedin Faith Communities 2023
Diocese of Dunedin Faith Communities 2022
Diocese of Dunedin Faith Communities 2021
Diocese of Dunedin Faith Communities 2020
Diocese of Dunedin Faith Communities 2019
Turn your sound up and make sure you view the videos in full screen…
Anne van Gend reflects on James 3: 13-4: 3, 7-8 and the late Rabbi Sacks who talked about the difference between politics, economics and the covenant way of God, where the more we give, the more we have.
Juliane Clark Morris reports back to Synod on her attendance at the Climate Resilience Conference in Suva, Fiji, with an emphasis on how we can practically respond to this in the South.
Esther Clarke Prebble reports back to Synod on her attendance at the Climate Resilience Conference in Suva, Fiji. It was part two of conferences focusing on Moana-Water of life: Taloana.
A reflective video on the Eucharist using music from the Iona Community Wild Goose Worship Group: This is the Body of Christ.
Bishop Ross Bay gives an update on the Diocesan Arrangements Committee work (including the date of an Electoral College) and reflects on the future of the Church
The Ven Anne van Gend reflects today on the gospel (John 6: 1-21) and what happens when Christ breaks bread.
In today’s homily, Bishop Kelvin reflects on the paradox that it the Trinity… something not meant to be understood, but which speaks to us of how God operates in Love.
Some informal farewells to +Steve, Lorraine and Marley…at Peter Mann House (2 May) and at St Peter’s Caversham (3 May) for hymns, refreshments…and food.
On Saturday 4 May, a small band of helpers got stuck into stripping out an old cottage on the St Peter’s site, Caversham, Dunedin. This is all part of a bigger plan to provide temporary accommodation for Rev Natalie and Dan Milliken while a new tiny home is being transported into another part of the site for them to live in.
For his final Scattered People of the Good Shepherd service, Bishop Steve reflects on John 15:1-8 and Acts 8: 26 – 40, with some questions to think about as we bring these words into our own lives…
Back in October 2019 we asked an impromptu question from Bishop Steve and now this one may be the last as he, Lorraine and Marley prepare to return to the UK. It’s a time where there are decisions being made on what to hold onto and what to let go… and maybe that’s true for all of us.
In an Easter message as we continue our Lenten journey into Holy Week, Bishop Steve asks how can we regain our focus this Easter?
On Palm Sunday 2024, Bishop Steve asks what challenge does Jesus give us this Holy Week? Could it be about a call for us to change, to be fruitful, to join him on the road to justice, forgiveness and salvation?
On the 9th of March, 2024 at All Saints’ Church, Dunedin, the 108th anniversary of Rev’d Arnold Patrick Spencer-Smiths death was commemorated with a Mass, the blessing of a new stained glass window, and a reception- public lecture with Dr David Harrowfield, NZAM, DSc, CF. See also
We ask Bishop Steve: how can Lent be truly transforming? Perhaps it is about giving God space to transform us…
In today’s reflection, Anne van Gend asks us think about the words of Jesus in Mark’s gospel: can we think of a time in our lives when our “why” (in your faith) was strong enough to endure any tough times? What is it that holds you? And…what helps us to “deny ourselves” and welcomes others instead?
Today Bishop Steve tackles Mark 1: 28-28, where Jesus is confronted by a man “with an unclean spirit”. What can we make of this? Who could be the people now who try to shut Jesus down? Get yourself comfortable…to dig into a somewhat uncomfortable passage.
These videos are a way of sharing some of the ideas they’re coming up with with each other, and we start off hearing from Rev’d Rose Scott at the Port Chalmers Parish in Dunedin.
To officially kick off 2024, we ask Bishop Steve what hope there is for us as we look to a world with so many challenges… and many that we face as well. See also
For our final Scattered people of the Good Shepherd for 2023 on Christmas Eve, Bishop Steve shares some images of the Annunciation…what do we picture when we hear the Angel speaking to Mary. Do we, like her, hear the invitation …and join the journey into Love?
A celebration of Rev’d Dr Katherine (Katy) Marcar’s ordination to the priesthood at St Paul’s Cathedral on Saturday 16 December 2023
Bishop Steven Benford, The Ven Anne van Gend (Ministry Educator) and Andrew Metcalfe (Diocesan Registrar – Kaiwhakahaere) talk about what it means for us in the Diocese of Dunedin to be born in other places, but living “at home” in the southernmost diocese of New Zealand, just as Nazareth was home for Jesus. Along with our companion Diocese of Edinburgh, we look to help make others at home in the love of God. (This video was part of a series for the Diocese of Edinburgh Advent Calendar 2023)
On Wednesday 6 March over 55 people gathered at the church of St Alban the Martyr to hear the scriptures, pray and sing carols for a special Christmas Service in St Bathans. For an article about this service, visit
In very uncertain time, with war, poverty and hardship…should we ditch Christmas and focus on other things that are more important? Bishop Steve reflects on why celebrate Christmas in 2023: we need to ask God to be with us again when our world is at its most vulnerable, and to know that God will never leave us…
Bishop Steve has some early reflections on his recent Sabbatical…and how God meets us in other people: how is God speaking to us today through them and to them?