Diocesan Organisations

Go to the end of this page for information about becoming involved in Governance

Anglican Family Care Centre

Address: 266 Hanover Street, Dunedin, 9016
Phone: 03 477 0801

Please visit our website to sign up for our newsletter

Anglican Family Care is a social services agency that has served the people of Dunedin and Otago since 1970. Our main office is based in Dunedin. The rural offices are based in Balclutha, Oamaru, Alexandra and Wanaka.

Our main focus is tamariki, rangatahi and their whānau, but we also provide services that support individuals in need.

Our services are for all people regardless of beliefs because we respect the values and beliefs of the Anglican Church, especially “To respond to human needs by loving service”.

Our Vision
Strong, connected and thriving whānau and tamariki

Our Mission
Working together with Otago whānau to make change that inspires hope for a better future



Home of St. Barnabas Trust

Address: 12 Ings Ave, St Clair, Dunedin 9012
Email: manager@stbarnabastrust.nz
Manager: Mrs Shirley Hennessy

Website: www.stbarnabastrust.nz
or view Eldernet Web Listing

St Barnabas Trust offer rest home level residential care from Ings Avenue in St Clair. It also provides an extensive community based meals on wheels service in the Dunedin area.


North Otago Anglican Homes for The Aged Trust (NOAH)

St Lukes’s Place
47 Eden Street
Oamaru 9400


NOAH provides homes within Oamaru for the Elderly based on an initial legacy left in 1976. It includes one complex of 10 units in Eden Street, Oamaru (St Luke’s Place) built in 1984, and another of 9 units in Reed Street (St Mary’s Place). Applications for tenancy can be made through the Vicar of St Luke’s Parish in Oamaru.


Association of Anglican Women

The Aims of the Association

  • To unite in prayer and participate in the mission of the Church.
  • To promote, safeguard and nurture Christian family life.


The AAW Prayer
O God, our Father, whose love for all people is proclaimed in Jesus Christ,
We thank you for uniting us in prayer and fellowship.
Use us now in the mission of your Church
Help us to realise that everything we do and say reflects our love for you.
Bless homes and families throughout the world, especially those unhappy or those in need.
Show us how by our example and concern we can take your peace and love wherever your spirit leads us – today and all our days.

About the AAW
The AAW was formed in September 1969. It is an Anglican New Zealand-wide umbrella organisation which also includes Polynesia. Affiliated groups include Fellowships, Guilds, Mothers’ Union and Young Women’s Groups. It is open to all women, and we have our own national magazine called “CIRCLE”. There are 16 groups throughout the Diocese with approximately 230 members, 9 Lone members and 1 Life member. We offer Christian support, friendship, social interaction and fellowship which is a great way to network with other women.

Overseas and Outreach is one arm of AAW and it is very active within New Zealand and overseas. Funds given by members support projects to help women and children anywhere. An Emergency Fund is set up to provide relief in natural disasters both within New Zealand and overseas.

AAW is affiliated to National Council of Women, which gives our members a voice for lobbying Government and to work for positive change through our own Social Concerns arm of AAW. AAW groups have representatives who attend NCW meetings in their areas.

AAW has taught women how to be leaders, to develop public speaking skills, to be involved in Worship leading and many other skills, which not only helps them in their daily lives but also in Parish life, with nurturing Christian family life, pastoral visiting and outreaching into the community. Some AAW members take an active part in ministry work or other work on diocesan, regional or community committees.

The current theme for AAW is ‘Grow in Discipleship, Dreams, Dedication’.
Goals and our Vision
1] Outreach within the parish and community: visiting our elderly and infirm. Music and Movement Groups for pre-schoolers. Supporting Food Banks, Anglican Family Care.
2] Young Women’s Groups to meet socially once a month to bond; later on may lead to further church activity e.g. Sunday School teaching, flowers, needlework, cleaning and AAW.
3] Men’s Nights, inviting our husbands/partners to a pot luck tea with guest speaker, games night or just a social time.

For AAW Groups that have a more senior age group or cannot actively outreach then these goals may suit them:
1] Choose an Overseas and Outreach project and do something with it for the next 12 months, with follow up reports
e.g. Operation Christmas Child or Anglican Family Care.
2] Choose 1 or 2 projects from Social Concerns and go with this for the 12 months, with follow up reports
e.g. Reading to the elderly, visiting the members alone at home or in care.
It is important for us to include all groups regardless of numbers or ages. We all need to feel that we can contribute something –we are all worthy to do things for the Lord and we are all able to PRAY. It is also important for us, as part of our first aim to participate in the mission of the Church.

Diocese of Dunedin AAW Prayer Cycle
Dear Lord,
You have given us a special calling,
The call to pray for each other’s needs.
Bless those who are named on our Prayer Cycle today.
Thank you that we can unite each day in prayer. Amen.

Groups please use this special Prayer Cycle and pray for those shown each day of the month.

May God bless you in your daily walk with Christ in whatever you are doing and wherever you are each day.

Link to contact information

If you wish to find out more information about AAW groups or becoming lone members in the diocese, please contact one of the Executive members listed below.

President: Christine Aitken
38 Balmain Street
Halfway Bush
Dunedin 9010
Ph: 03 476 3028
Email: balmain38@icloud.com

Immediate Past President: Anne Gover
4 Lennox Street
Gore 9710
Ph:03 208 5235
Email: annegover@xtra.co.nz

Secretary: Marjorie Brown
5 Islington Street
North East Valley
Dunedin 9010
Ph:03 473 7751
Email: chanter16@gmail.com

Treasurer: Margaret McLanachan
109 Forfar Street
Dunedin 9011
Ph: 03 453 0131
021 216 9640
Email: mmclanachan98@gmail.com

Chaplain: Rev’d Joanna Fielding
32 City Road
Dunedin 9010
Ph: 03 471 7417
027 662 8233
Email: Joanna.fielding@hotmail.com

Overseas And Outreach: Dot Muir
203 Curran Road
No 9RD
Invercargill 9879
Ph: 03 213 0474
027 405 5218
Email: garydotmuir@xtra.co.nz

Social Concerns: Elisabeth Cunningham
11 Brookside Place
Mosgiel 9024
Ph: 03 489 0916
021 212 8700
Email: cunning.e@xtra.co.nz

Circle Distributor: Margaret McLanachan
109 Forfar Street
Dunedin 9011
Ph:03 453 0131
021 216 9640
Email: mmclanachan98@gmail.com

Publicity: Christine Aitken and Margaret McLanachan

Area Representatives:
Dunedin: Margaret Tegg
1 Colquhoun Street
Dunedin 9011
Ph:03 476 4505
027 476 4505
Email: brian.margaret.tegg@xtra.co.nz

Southland: Robin Speden
11 Pukaki Street
Gore 9710
Ph:03 208 3548
027 491 7992
Email: rspeden@xtra.co.nz

North Otago: Nonie Rooney
24 Glendale Crescent
Oamaru 9400 Ph:03 437 9470
Email: neil.nonie@xtra.co.nz

Central Otago: Liz Duggan
30 Ventry Street
Alexandra 9320
Ph: 03 448 7435
Email: lizduggan@xtra.co.nz

Synod Representatives: Christine Aitken and Margaret McLanachan

Diocese Office:
PO Box 13170
Green Island
Dunedin 9052
Ph: 03 488 0820


 What is Cursillo?

Cursillo is a movement of the Anglican Church under the oversight of each diocesan bishop. The goal of Cursillo is to help the Church in its mission to bring all the world and the whole of life under the Lordship of Christ. Its method is to empower Christians through participation in a three-day course which provides the vision and offers an on-going process for achieving this goal. Cursillo equips Christians to live out their baptismal calling to serve Christ in the world.

    Cursillo 2023 Lay-Directors: Lynda Turner-Heaton

    Acting Spiritual Advisor: Rev’d Vivienne Galletly

    Secretary: Margaret McLanachan

    Treasurer: Anne Gover

    South Centre Anglican Care Te Whare Manaaki

    Te Whare Manaaki South Centre is a Community Work Agency providing supportive and educational services in the Invercargill area.

    Our Hours Are:
    Monday to Thursday – 9am to 4pm
    Friday – 9am to 3pm.

    Our Services Include:
    LIBRARY – Our library has been revamped and all our books are now in alphabetical order which makes it easier to select a book by your favourite author.

    SENIOR CITIZENS CARDS – Do you enjoy playing Euchre? If you would like to join us, then you are most welcome to come along to the South Centre on Tuesday afternoons at 1.30pm Cost is $3.00 and this includes afternoon tea.

    HOMEBOUND ELDERLY – South Centre provides a Community Worker assisted by a team of volunteers who visit elderly people in the South Invercargill area. These elderly who are socially isolated and disabled and have no close family, with assistance and support, are able to retain their independence and remain in their own homes. Our volunteers act as “buddies” to a client. We already have a dedicated team, but can always do with more. If you are aware of an elderly person who meets the criteria, who you feel would benefit from this service or if you have an hour or two to spare please phone (03) 218 2777

    Family Support Service is a home-based free service offering support and assistance to families under stress, by helping them set goals empowering them with options to achieve this. Working in the following areas Parenting Education & Support, Communicating with your children, Advocacy, Support with access / custody issues and resources and other issues causing stress in families

    Latest Newsletter : See Diocese of Dunedin Events Page

    South Centre Anglican Care is part of the Anglican Care Network

    South Centre Team September 2022

    South Centre Anglican Care Charitable Trust Southland – Te Whare Manaaki
    Physical Address: 9 Jenkin Street, Invercargill
    Postal Address: P O Box 7100, Invercargill
    Phone: 03 218 2777
    Email: southcentre@xtra.co.nz

    Other Groups Includes:

    Gardening Circle meets second Wednesday of the month at South Centre 1:30pm.

    Falls prevention exercises in conjunction with the YMCA on Wednesday afternoons 1:15 to 2:15 cost $3.10 second Wednesday of the month these exercises are held at the YMCA

    Weigh In Group a friendly group who support each other while loosing weight meets Monday mornings 9:30am cost $1 fine 50c.

    Please feel free to call in just to have a cup of tea and a chat or borrow a book.


    St John’s Leslie Groves Hospital, Rest Home & Day Care

    Leslie Groves Hospital
    321 Taieri Road
    Dunedin, 9010
    Phone: 03 476 3045
    Email: facility@lesliegroves.co.nz
    Manager: Mr Sean Kelly


    Leslie Groves Rest Home & Day Care
    18/22 Sheen Street
    Dunedin, 9010
    Phone: 03 476 3045

    Leslie Groves includes a base at 321 Taieri Rd, Wakari, Dunedin, that caters for Hospital Level aged care residents and Psychogeriatric residents (with places for 71 people). It also has a rest home level care facility in Sheen Street, Roslyn. It is governed by a Board drawn from St John’s Anglican Church in Roslyn and the wider community.

    Parata Anglican Charitable Trust, Gore

    39 Kitchener Street
    Gore 9710

    Phone: 03 208 6303
    Fax: 03 208 4524
    Mobile: 027 2328 014

    Email: parataresidence@xtra.co.nz
    Manager: Alisha McColl
    Administrator: Mary Pullar

    Eldernet Web Listing

    The Parata complex incorporates 26 rooms certified for residential care (21 bed Residence, 5 Studio Units for intermediary care), Parata Centre for Day Care, Parata Retirement Village with 27 self-contained Flats, and a Meals on Wheels service.

    Day Care

    Parata Centre was built in 1994 specifically to provide Day Care for the communities within Eastern Southland. Day Care is provided Wednesday to Friday, 10am to 3.30pm. Interesting programmes of activities – arts, crafts, music, games, exercise, entertainments, outings and more – are offered. Transport to and from the Centre is available. A full midday meal, morning and afternoon teas are provided. Our aim is to provide stimulation, fun and companionship to the elderly members of our community and support for community caregivers. 

    Selwyn College-Te Maru Pūmanawa

    560 Castle Street
    Dunedin, 9016
    Email: admin.selwyn@otago.ac.nz
    Warden: Mr Luke McClelland
    Chaplain: The Rev’d Canon Michael Wallace
    Phone: 03 477 3326
    Fax: 03 477 9926


    As the first college established at New Zealand’s oldest university, Selwyn College has a unique and rich heritage, including its connection with the Anglican Church (Diocese of Dunedin). The College cherishes traditions that go back many generations and that reflect its core values of inclusivity, respect and mutual care. Selwyn College is a true community of scholars, providing its members with a unique educational opportunity known as The Selwyn College Experience. The College aims to produce well-rounded leaders of the future committed to making a disproportionate difference for good in the world. Selwyn is a small, close-knit community where it is easy to belong. Diversity, creativity and contribution are highly valued in addition to the primary goal of achieving academic excellence. The Selwyn community comprises 200 resident members, made up predominantly of First Year students, with a select number of Returners (Second Year)

    St Hilda’s Collegiate School

    2 Cobden Street
    New Zealand
    Chaplain: Dr Gillian Townsley
    Principal: Mrs Jackie Barron
    Phone: 03 477 0989
    Fax: 03 477 1222


    St Hilda’s is a secondary school for girls in Dunedin the provides places for day pupils and boarders. It provides a positive, optimum learning experience for every student firmly grounded in Christian values. St Hilda’s aims is to build a learning community which is dynamic and appreciates diversity. St Hilda’s provides an stimulating environment that loves an aims to set students up for life.

    Interested in becoming more involved?

    One way you can become involved is via the Boards of our various organisations in a Governance role (Trustee)

    Click onto the link below for more or see our Boards Orientation Letter

    Information for Trustees

    Diocese of Dunedin Boards Trustees Orientation Information

    Thank you for your willingness to become a Trustee of one of the several Boards that operate within the umbrella of the Anglican Church in Otago and Southland.

    This brief document provides a wider overview of the Diocese of Dunedin  and where your Board fits into the bigger whole. It contains hyperlinks to information to help make you more familiar with how things work – please talk to your Board contact person if you need to have any of this material printed out for you or shared another way. The information in this document is also available on or website: https://www.calledsouth.org.nz/organisations/ (scroll to the bottom of the webpage).

    You will be asked to compete two forms and submit a Curriculum Vitae (CV) as  part of your application to be a Trustee. These will be reviewed by the Diocese of Dunedin Trusts Board, which is made up of Diocesan Council (Diocese of Dunedin Standing Committee) members.

    Part of the application form asks you to obtain a signature from your local Priest or Vicar. This is an opportunity to talk to someone who can tell you more about the church and about the reasons you would like to serve in a Diocese of Dunedin organisation Board. If you have difficulty identifying anyone to talk to, we can help put you in touch with someone: please contact the Diocesan Registrar: registrar@calledsouth.org.nz or phone 03 488 0821

    A member of your particular Board will be offering you an induction process to help you become familiar with what they do and how they operate.

    Background to the Diocese of Dunedin

    Overview of the Diocese of Dunedin which also includes our Mission Statement and an Organisational Chart.

    Statutory Requirements

    For applications to be a Trustee for any Boards that operate under the Diocese of Dunedin, please include: Application form to the Diocese of Dunedin Trusts Board (the Board which appoints members onto Diocesan Organisation Boards or Trusts), Charities Declaration and Declaration of Adherence for Trust Boards. Please talk to the Chair of your Board if there is anything that needs further explanation. Appendix 1 has a summary of what the appointment rules are for the various Trusts associated with the Diocese of Dunedin.

    Some Boards (Earl Street Charitable Trust and St Hilda’s Board of Proprietors) have a proportion of Board members appointed by the Dunedin Diocesan Trust Board (DDTB) who have a separate application form:  DDTB Appointee Application Form. Applications to the DDTB also require the Charities Declaration and Declaration of Adherence for Trusts Boards. The DDTB is the body that holds all buildings and properties in trust for the Diocese of Dunedin.

    The application forms are designed to give the Diocese of Dunedin Trusts Board (comprised of elected Diocesan Council members who make the majority of appointments to Boards on behalf of the wider church) and the DDTB information about you and what you can bring to your role. We also require the application form to be submitted by any existing board members who want to apply for a further appointment. Please note that Trustee appointments for Leslie Groves and North Otago Anglican Homes do not come via the Trusts Board (they have their own appointment bodies and  application process). Appendix 1 also outlines other categories of appointment that various Boards make.

    Please note, both declarations (Charities and Adherence) are required of all members of all Boards so that you can be a legitimate Trustee in an Anglican based organisation.

    The Charities Act declaration is self-explanatory, but the Declaration of Adherence confirms that you are willing to come under the authority of the church as a Trustee. This is the fulfil the requirements under the Canons (rules) of the wider Anglican Church – see Anglican Church in Aotearoa-New  Zealand Code of Canons Title F, available here. Please take the time to look through this as it outlines the duties of Trustees in Canon III, including what is required by way of submitting reports and accounts to the Diocese of Dunedin Synod on an annual basis, plus for each board to establish a process for annual Performance Review for member Trustees (Canon III, clause 10.2).

    It is not a requirement that you be a baptised/confirmed member of the Anglican church to sign the Declaration of Adherence, but if you apply via the Trusts Board we like to know what your involvement with the Church is and your understanding of the Christian faith.

    Governance Resources

    Other Information

    Our Year Books give an outline of the most recent history of the Diocese, including annual reports for the organisation you are working with in your governance role.

    We are grateful for your willingness to serve our various Boards as Trustees. If you have any questions, please contact me at 03 488 0821

    Andrew Metcalfe

    Diocesan Registrar, registrar@calledsouth.org.nz

    October 2022

    Appendix 1: Summary of Appointments made through the Diocese of Dunedin Trusts Board (Diocesan Council) and Dunedin Diocesan Trust Board (DDTB)


    Board Name + Length of terms No. appointed by Trusts Board (Dio Council) No. appointed by Dunedin Diocesan Trust Board (DDTB)

    Selwyn College Board of Governors

    3-year terms

    Selwyn also appoint one from the Selwyn College Association (Alumni) for three years and the current Student President – I year term. The College Warden is also on the Board of Governors.


    2 clergy

    2 lay

    Up to 4 “specialist” appointments


    Anglican Family Care

    2-year terms


    Up to 8


    Dunedin Diocesan Trust Board

    3-year terms


    Up to 8

    Numbered seats i.e. retire in rotation


    Earl Street Charitable Trust

    3-year terms

    Earl Street also appoint two members  nominated from the Wakatipu Parish Vestry





    St Hilda’s Collegiate School Board of Proprietors.

    3-year terms

    St Hilda’s also appoint representatives from the Parents and Friends (PFA) executive, Country reps and Old Girl’s Association reps.







    Takitimu Home Anglican Care Trust

    3-year terms (currently winding up)

    Up to 8 None

    Parata Anglican Charitable Trust

    3-year terms

    No less than 6

    3-year terms


    Home of St Barnabas Trust

    3-year terms


    Up to 8



    South Centre Anglican Care Trust

    3-year terms





    Leslie Groves and North Otago Anglican Homes (NOAH) Trustees are appointed by their various governing bodies: St John’s Parish Roslyn (Leslie Groves) and the Vestries of St Lukes-Maheno and Waitaki-North Oamaru (NOAH).

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