Just One Thing…

A series for anyone who would like small, practical tips on how to work on our central calling as Christians: to LOVE

When we glibly assert that Jesus wants us to love our neighbour as ourselves, what does that look like, really?

How do we do it? Is there JUST ONE THING we could do this week, one thing we could try out,

which could help us learn to love more effectively?

Over the next few months, we will be putting up ideas from people across our Diocese.

Why not try out their ideas over the week and see how you go? 

Turn your sound up and make sure you view the videos in full screen…


In our final Advent series on love, Bishop Steve goes to the heart of how we love. “We love because God first loved us.”

The 4th (and sometimes 3rd!) Sunday of Advent is linked by many to Joy. Explore with Jenny how joy, love, and the Christmas story overlap.

What are we thinking of as we hold conversations? Ourselves, our own ideas, where we want the conversation to go? Or the more peace-filled way of being there for the other?

Smile! It’s a deceptively simple thing to do, and yet can be a bearer of love and hope! Alec Clark tells us how this can be linked to our faith…and how God loves people through us.

What is just one thing we could try this week to get better at loving people? Judy zeros in on the heart of it all. We love because God loves us – so let’s start there.

What is just one thing we could try this week to get better at loving people? How about using your curiosity to find a compassionate understanding of their situation – giving them the benefit of the doubt? Esther Clarke-Prebble helps us get started on this very helpful attitude!

What is just one thing we could try this week to get better at loving people? How about making sure we follow-up on what we say? Sue Dunbar-Davis helps us think about that this week.

What is just one thing we could try this week to get better at loving people? How about crossing the room? Making the move to go to the person on the edge. Taking the initiative. Grant Davis suggests how.

What’s just one thing you could do this week to follow Jesus’ command to “love one another”? How about making contact with someone who may have been moved out from the centre of community life to the edges?

“Say hello” sounds simple – but after listening to Eirwen’s suggestions, maybe you might find it more challenging, and more rewarding, than you expected. Try it out this week!

Just one thing we can do to love this week. How about leave the car behind? It’s not, perhaps, what we think of first, but have a listen to what Andrew has to say about it and you may decide to try it for yourself.

What’s just one thing I can do to love? How about providing a space where those who need someone to talk to can feel listened to? This week hear Dot Muir’s ideas on how that can be done.

Jennie Lewis gets us launched with the simple idea: Pay Attention.

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